First-cycle studies (bachelor's degree) – 6 semesters

Full-time and part-time studies

Studying Finance and Accounting in Business allows students to gain professional knowledge in the areas of finance, risk in finance, accounting, taxation and the functioning of financial institutions, including banks, insurance and investment companies, as well as public institutions. Finance and Accounting in Business is a study programme created in cooperation with the business environment, enabling students to gain practical skills in analysing basic micro and macroeconomic phenomena and the financial condition of households, companies and other organisations. As a graduate, you will be prepared to independently design financial projects and effectively solve management problems.


  • Financial Manager
  • Accounting and Taxation
  • Investment and Real Estate Management
Financial Manager Specialisation

The added value of the Financial Manager specialisation is that it combines basic theoretical issues in financial management with the practical ability to solve economic dilemmas. We focus on the transfer of specialist knowledge in the area of the broadly defined financial policy of economic entities, corporations as well as local government units, which we support by organising academic workshops with representatives of the business environment, senior and middle management staff (for example, finance directors of major corporations and heads of tax offices).

You will learn

As a graduate of this specialisation, you will acquire specialist knowledge in the area of financial management in business entities and local government units. You will acquire skills that allow you to select and use analytical tools to make optimal financial decisions, both at the operational and strategic levels in economic entities, regardless of their organisational structure. You will learn about the impact of macroeconomic determinants on the fundamentals of financial management, risk management processes, and barriers to capital acquisition, including sources of financing through financial markets and the banking sector. In addition, you will learn about the problems of calculating the effectiveness of investment projects and the principles of budgeting in companies and local government units.

Your future

Graduates of our specialisation will find employment in a wide range of private and public sector entities, in particular in the financial departments of financial institutions (including banks, leasing, consulting and auditing companies), and the financial departments of public entities. You will therefore acquire skills that will enable you to work as a financial manager, financial director, analyst, investment advisor, or to run your own business. You will become a specialist prepared for the challenges and risks arising from the increasing risks in business.

Specialisation in Accounting and Taxation

By choosing the specialisation in Accounting and Taxation, you will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills valued by employers. Our specialisation is focused on the acquisition of knowledge in accounting and taxation, as well as practical skills to implement this knowledge in practice. To this end, we engage the best specialists in the fields of auditing, tax consultancy, internal audit and accounting, who guarantee the highest quality of education. Moreover, in this specialisation, you will have the opportunity to gain experience in bookkeeping using modern IT systems, which today is an essential competence to successfully compete in the job market.

You will learn

In the Accounting and Tax specialisation, you will learn to make tax decisions using modern IT tools. You will gain knowledge in financial and budgetary accounting. During your studies, you will learn how to prepare financial statements, including consolidation. You will become familiar with accounting and cost accounting tools used in small, medium and large enterprises. You will also learn to use simplified forms of accounting used in accounting offices.

Your future

As a graduate of our specialisation, you will find employment in the financial and accounting departments of large corporations, in public finance sector units, or in accounting offices. Nowadays, specialists in accounting and taxation are also sought after in banks and state institutions. You will also be prepared to perform accounting in your own business.

Additional information

You can develop your interests in the thriving study club "BUCHALTER" (Bookkeeper), where you can participate in scientific workshops and conferences, as well as meetings with accounting and tax specialists who share their experiences. We are waiting for motivated and interested students who want to try their hand. Remember that accountants are constantly in demand on the job market.

Specialisation in Investment and Real Estate Management

By choosing the specialisation in Investment and Real Estate Management, you will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the area of investments and the real estate market. You will acquire a high level of expertise in the real estate market and its management, essential for entering the labour market and for further cooperation with the real estate sector and entities implementing various types of investments. Our specialisation will facilitate your career in the area of the investment and real estate market, especially real estate management, brokerage and valuation. Thanks to an agreement concluded between Czestochowa University of Technology and the National Chamber of Real Estate Management, upon graduation from the specialisation in Investment and Real Estate Management, you will have the opportunity to apply for a KIGN Real Estate Administrator's license and a KIGN Real Estate Agent's license.

You will learn

By choosing our specialisation, you will gain fundamental knowledge and skills in the management and administration of real estate, preparation and evaluation of investment projects, construction of investment strategies (both in financial and physical markets), insurance, business risk management, and you will acquire the competences required to become a licensed investment advisor. You can continue your education by choosing a second-cycle study programme in Investment and Real Estate Management offered by the Chair of Finance and Accounting in Business.

Your future

Graduates of our specialisation have the necessary knowledge and qualifications to start working as specialists and analysts of investment project profitability, investment advisors, real estate agents, real estate managers, and property appraisers. The education you will acquire by studying our specialisation will ensure you are properly prepared to work in companies (financial and investment departments), financial institutions, banks, investment funds, consulting companies, insurance companies, local and state administration offices, property development companies, real estate agency offices, property management offices, real estate appraiser offices, housing cooperatives, and your own business.

Completing the Investment and Real Estate specialisation will open up a career path for you, guarantee fast development, and offer the possibility of earning a high salary.

Additional information

  • Dynamic student study clubs run by the Chair of Economics, Investment and Real Estate: Bezpieczny Krąg (Safe Circle), FaMa Business Leaders Club, Menedżer Nieruchomosći (Real Estate Manager), Menedżer Ryzyka (Risk Manager), Rownoważnik (Equivalent), TNOiK operating at the Faculty of Management at Czestochowa University of Technology.
  • Highly qualified staff possessing real estate agent licenses, real estate management and real estate evaluation qualifications
  • Cooperation with the Silesian Association of Real Estate Appraisers (Czestochowa branch),
  • Students have access to the resources of the Real Estate Market Analysis and AMRON Monitoring System, owned by the Polish Bank Association
  • Graduates of our specialisation obtain a KIGN Real Estate Administrator's license and a KIGN Real Estate Agent license.

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